There're Ralph, Roger, Harry and High Life.
Not all, but some know that there's beer with ambition to level with sparkling white wine at certain social event. Not available in Sweden, but make no mistake, it's a good beer.
Next Miller to talk about is Harry. A race engine engineer that, together with Offenhauser, created engines that ruled Indy racing for almost 40 years producing 100hp/liter already in the 1930-ties and introduced the idea of supercharger kits in 1924.
Let's move on to Ralph. Ralph W Miller. A somewhat anonymous engineer who back in 1957 invented the Thermodynamic process that makes current and future (commuter car) engines efficient and environmental friendly.
But how about Roger? Another farsighted engine engineer? Nope. We're talking about a cool, Johnny Cash kind of guy. Dead, but worth to spend time listen to.
The beer with ambition.
Harry's Supercharged engine.
Ralph's Cycle compared with Otto's
King of the Road by Roger.
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