Bits , pieces and rust from an Amazon Estate in Ucklum
We will later on tell you how this idea got started and what it has developed to !!!
But here in this post we show you when and how we got our hands on an Amazon estate.
We found it on blocket:
Amazon estate restoration started all rust perfectly repaired ready for paint 10000 kr
It sounded to good to be true but who could resist that.
We had to go and see !
Like all big adventures the journey is of importance.

Arrived !!!!!
A Sunday morning we looked at the remains of what once was about to become…who knows what….. but faded away…..Now it takes a strong and creative mind to see what you can take it to.
It is 2013 October, rain is almost on it's way you can sense the autumn.
We are in Ucklum, the owner of the Amazon suffer from a severe hangover.
The tractor is pulling the surprise out from the garage / shed !
It took 30 min to start the tractor.
The "perfect for paint" body
Below you see one of the NOS sheet metal parts that was a part of the deal.
You should be aware that the owner explained over phone that almost all rust was fixed and it was perfect for a first class restoration.
Some discussion and negotiation took us rather quickly down to what maybe can be seen as the value of the homemade rotisserie.
We managed to make up our minds since we all had a bigger aim.
Later on this is to become our mission.
Håkan is reflecting on what do we pay for ? the rotisserie ? the rust or what is between the nothing ?
We got it loaded !! one trailer and one Pick Up with sheet metal and rusty parts to bring home to what is to become Salt Slush Racing World Head Quarter.
We will tell you more about that later on.
Now we are on our way to go here !
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