Saturday, May 27, 2017

Wind down, Get out of focus and enjoy a simple life. And a beer or two...

It's important to celebrate success. Even if you've not found the holy gral or standing under the banner. Because you need to know that there's happiness on the painful road to a poisons target.
So the Salt Slush team were all in calm down mode today, ready to take deep breath and just enjoy life. What we did? Well, we talked to our likes as they too came to Ringön with one purpose only. To relax and enjoy a moment in the sun.
There's always something to aim for at end of the hood. We call it horizon.
Big block Chevelle on a surface of graffiti, garbage and a blue sky.
Smooth humming Roadrunner. Ready to get out of the coma and create some serious tire smoke when needed. 
High revs and side valve from a 4 banger from the past? Contradiction in terms? Nope. Rather a merge in heaven made by Magnus. 
 Home at bay..waiting for miracle to happen. The sunburn stretches the skin on happy car guys and girls as the go to sleep with their mind full of new project dreams.

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