Thursday, December 24, 2020

The first Cure. Make Love not War

It's complicated. Here's what; To make things work, you need to start somewhere.I started with the hydraulics; because brakes are have.
Priority 1; Take off all wheels, then take it all apart...
But first, thorough cleaning with high pressure.
All grease, dirt and more had to go.
Please note the crash friendly padding around the clutch cylinder. 
No expenses were saved to keep troops alive for one more minute.
Another proof of care for those in war. A padded close-to-knee brake master cylinder.
In addition, the Valp is equipped with an ABS brake system prior to Mercedes / Bosch ABS. Suitable for times when men were men. I'm talking about the absence of brake booster and soft, small drums.  
Hydraulic work. All cylinders honed and all new sealing mounted. 
No cost were spared to make it fit for another 10 or 20 years. 
All cylinders were full of guckelimuck. Here I'm talking about a strange mix of brake fluid, grease, dirt and water...
Pictured: A mess up

The biggest challenge so far has been to get the right rear brake drum off the rear axle. Here's  the true story; I started with my old puller and nut runner. 
1. No success.
2 Next try. Added heat. Made it orange. 
Same old puller and nut runner...
Kaaaa-fucking-BOOM. Puller into pieces. 

I bought the puller around 30 years ago
I assume it was made of early Chinesium alloy....slightly stronger than cheese. Soft cheese.

3. Next try. With a new puller, heat and an appropriate amount of violence. Meaning a big hammer and same nut runner ...nothing of significance happened.

4. Last try.....borrowed Håkan's nut runner from hell, called the Beast, and added heat and some more violence:  Voila! Success!
Pictured; Success. 
A nut runner from hell, combined with a heavenly strong puller. Victory!
Repairing each wheel cylinder honing and new parts
The front wheel new socket was 56 mm. Not easy to find, but figured out that some modern MX bikes has of that size on the rear wheel, so I ordered one...
The socket.
The socket tuning. The thickness had to be reduced.
The adjusted socket. Ready to make a difference.

Borrowed a cool transporter from a friend to move the military machine to Ringön.
Ta da!  Easy. Just push it a little, and it was in its new home
Finally in position. This baby has, for a long time been searching for a dry and warm place.
Now it's ready for the cure. 

A cure that includes;
1. Something to sit on which is less soggy then the old VW seats! 
2. To hunt all electrical gremlins... out! (The impression is that two electrical systems 
has been created under some type of negative demonic influence) 
3. Adding some fun stuff to the Valp 
4. And of course, Ladies and Gentlemen, start up the engine!! 

More to come soon!


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