No, this is not the exhaust manifold for the Salt Slush Racing Amazon. This is Robin Antonsson's exhaust manifold. He's a Time Attack racer that leaves many of his competitors in the rear mirror. But anyhow, since a 9180 EFR Twin Scroll turbo really likes good pulse separation to perform at its best, I offered Robin milling support. And yes, I have the tendency to say yes...
This should be easy...but how to mount it to the milling table? After a couple of hours of creative thinking and measuring....
...and moving fasteners around...
Finally ready for Operation flat surface.
Milling my time my away. Austenitic stainless steel, that frequently has seen high temperatures is not really soft.
Sealed deal..flat as can be. And yes, we need to close the external wastegates channels as well. Anders is warming up the TIG...
Sunday update: Anders couldn't keep his finger away from the TIG. It's ready!
No more external wastegates!