Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Weekend shopping and workshop progress. Possible to combine?

Yes!  But you have to be careful. Scientific research has shown that car guys (and girls) could be stressed if exposed to general shopping.

But there are exceptions. Like last Saturday when the SSR team traveled to Verktygsboden in Borås, a tool shop in Sweden, to make an important purchase.

During this SSR business trip in our old Chevy Van nobody felt the Shopping mall stress. The blood pressure were kept on a really low level, even though there were some exercise... when Kalle was pushing the warehouse fork lift towards the Van. Alternative to Gym? Lesson learned; We all know that electrical devices needs a bit of a push if charging discipline fails. 

There were some car logistic involved. As a first step, Kalle drove Anders Mustang to the Van and the we took the Van to the...I guess you all know how it goes. Kalle seems to like the Coyote 5.0L!

Anders seems somewhat less comfortable his own backseat.
Here we have our new beauty - The Folding machine. A beginning of a beautiful friendship? We're now in the get-to-know-each-other phase.

Meanwhile, in another part of the workshop the cooling system was designed and tested...

...and soon we will have sealed the whole driver compartment.

Conclusion: We have been kickin' tires and having parties for a while, but now it's time to speed up our core task: The Salt Slush Racing Amazon!

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