Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Forming Metal Makes Magnus a Sad, Sad Boy

Life's not it always good. It can be gloomy, painful and sad too. You know, sometimes it happens, often in the middle of the core process of The Hobby, when the round pieces of metal gets square, or when a square pieces gets circular, that accident strikes. 
When parts of the car guy body goes through the machining process as well.  
The example: Here's Magnus, a Salt Slush team member and a happy hot rodder, well...normally, a happy hot rodder, but now he's sad. Sad, because he let one of his best fingers go through a machine gear as he was turning flat sheet metal in to circular shape. The consequence: Pieces of sheet metal had wait hours to get circular, doctors got busy and Magnus couldn´t play the bass.
And the rest of the team is sad too, because Magnus can't move his ring finger and will therefore be less productive when working with the Amazon.
But he claims that he can still drink coffee and have opinions about everything we do. 

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