It was seven years ago. I walked back and forward. Nervously. I was in engine test cell area surrounded by other engineers and we were just about to start up the first prototype of the all new 1,5L 3 cylinder turbo engine for which development I'd been in charge. There was cool champagne in case of success.
Fast forward four years. We're in California. This time for Salt Slush Racing and were about to race. There was tension in the air. Exciting, exhausting and fun.
Then what happened? My wife found a second love and she found it in Erik's workshop in California. At first I ignored it. But it was a strong love. To an Ardun engine. It was complicated, but at some point I understood that I had act. I had to start the process. The process of building an Ardun Engine.
Carina in California Dreaming mode, at Erik's place.
Where it always tends begin.