7 lanes moving in 70mph. In each direction. A solid block of bumper to bumper sheet metal rolling on rubber that crisscross concrete motorways.
Beaches, Deserts and Mountains. All within reasonable reach in greater L.A.
Pick oranges for breakfast. Love those lime fruits that find their way to the evening margarita.
Make it or breake it. Hollywood. Hot rods. Homeless.
Cold wine & Cold beer 24/7 in liqueur stores with flickering lights and few word exchanged.
Palm trees and Pomelos. Cactus and citrus.
Lana del Ray on the radio while sailing a big block Chevy Suburban to dry lakes.
Treasures everywhere. Me? Love every minute.
A sleek Buick at Pomona Swap meet.
Size matters. Our 1995 Chevy Suburban feels small nowadays.
Carina serves as size comparison.
A car couple. I understand...if your girlfriend found a pair of cool wheels, you'd better support.
Rat Rod, Diesel and BorgWarner turbos i series.
A crowd-pleaser in the December Sun.
Golden Caddy Cab
Early morning. Fog was to lift soon.
Breakfast means picking Oranges...
....and Pomelos. No Margarita Limes pictured. Too early.
Meanwhile, in Palm Springs...the sun keeps on shining and the summer just can't find a good reason to end.
Haven't heard about Mid Century Modern yet? Check it out.
There's something about an old Suburban and clear skies.
Pictured at Goodfellas in Corona.
Treasures spot 1. Cina at CW Moss, in Orange. An amazing goto place if you want to buy for pre -41 Ford parts over desk as if it was fish, meat of cheese. Love it.
No need to dig for gold when a diamond obviously can arrive at anytime Erik's place. Pictured: Don Ferguson with an all aluminium Supercharged Ardun Engine.
When art meets technology.
Don brought a car too. A hot rod bracket that will host the Aluminum Ardun V8
Another treasure found at Alan Mest's amazing place. Where the past is alive and reach out a hand to the contemporary California. Me? I just found that treasure. A 1939 Ford Transmission. The one we've been looking for. Pictured while I confirm details with Magnus Börjesson. 
So what's the outlook for 2022?
Cina at Seal Beach Pier serve as a picture of our outlook. It's foggy.
Our plan is to go back to Greater L.A. in spring 2022 to race or practice landspeed racing in the El Mirage desert in order to be ready for Bonneville Speed Week in August 2022.
Right now we pray for the pandemic to not gain ground.
No need to worry.
Let's try instead.
As always.
As L.A.
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