Saturday, May 24, 2014

SSR Speed & Spring Party!

It might be hard to understand, but life is not only high speed racing, highly boosted engines, high torque transmissions and gear sets. At a certain point in time a little bit of beer, barbecue and rock'n roll is needed!

And as usual the party is around our Pièce de résistance! The SSR Amazon ! Now as you know a little closer to speed. 

Above the SSR Amazon and Magnus dream of a wing tank at Boneville is resting. In front you see some training bombs which are non explosive. We always try to have some conversation pieces around us makes to make life more interesting.

Nevertheless, Salt Slush Racing Team invited some gearhead friends to a Speed and Spring Party!
But lets, statrt from the beginning. The SSR team arrived early to prepare for the party. 

Later on Magnus would convert his transmission in to salad. No worry its now fixed and repaired.
Just for your info, later on in the evening the street was crowded with some very nice cars and bikes with both EU and US heritage and as well some serious JPN bikes. All with the common purpose:  Speed!

It was a warm day, yes just fantastic weather, we must have the force with us. But we were as always well prepared.
…weather mingle soon to be Motor-Mingle. Getting to know each other kind of discussion.
-Do you think it will rain tomorrow, spring came early this year ...

...but all of a sudden, no shallow and hesitating getting to know each other was done. Then,
the 396' was talking to the crowd and it was big big big talk. At once everyone had something of high importance stuff to talk about.

 Jörgen with wife Lina Brynne, an experienced vintage racer with many laps on tracks like Nürburg ring, Goodwood speed festival etc. explained the basics and, most of all, the need to strive to win. Then he gave us a good quality +200 mph tape. (beyond Biltema quality is needed)

Our guests Josefine Doverborn and Per Hansson enjoyed the comfort of the German styled Bier banks

Our back up carrier is secured. Flipping burgers! And they were good! Not only H&M needs to sharpen up, it goes as well for MCD and Burger King, Max will be challenged next year...

Even the gear head guests Ann and Helena enjoyed the burgers.

As you know SSR is a serious player in the society The party was planned the same day as Göteborgsvarvet, the worlds largest 1/2 maraton.
We see it as a responsibility to offer an alternative to run your self tired and therefore Dennis after running is sent in to an intervention program managed by Jägarn.

Kicki just  after running Göteborgsvarvet... the situation was all rather serious, but we from SSR team urgently went in to our quick five step intervention program, and focused on giving her a beer as step one.  The intervention discussion was rather quick 0,5 sec. The following four steps is four more beers. After that She was again, good to GO.

What a difference 0,5 sec do ! We are even more encouraged in our engagement in the society.

The Davidssons saved several years back. 

Martin & Johan We engage already in early ages to avoid issues later on. They are although both above 20.  Johan has been in the Gasoline Alley program since minus age.

The chop of the SSR Amazon gives a nice framing.

Then finally..,The Royal Rockers! Live at SSR head quarter! Note there guardian well not angle but very much kicking and alive GW.

The band members are the twins Magnus and Niklas Börjesson, Niklas Kvillert, Niklas Rosell, Johan Holst. We ca already now tell you that they are good, they for sure delivered the right and outmost Party feeling.

The race is on…

A picture is more then 1000 words. so above it would have been more than 3000 at least if you add the music.

Royal Rockers Band member & Salt Slush Racing Team Member. The all mighty Magnus Börjesson in person. Here in a certain angle and a certain light that hide his dark sides.

Finally, Karl-Johan and Catrine is leaving SSR HQ and their 354 hemi is howling it's song trough the dark night….

Most of all we would like to give you all a Big Big THX fore helping us having such a good party !!!

See you next time !!!

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Do I Look Speedy !!!

Today the SSR Amazon talked to us for the first time and it wasn't Mama.
The first word was SPEED !

Such a vibrant talent

Why did this happen? We have a theory. Santa was at the SSR WHQ Garage somewhat delayed compared to his normal end-of-December appearance. But who cares?

Santa had, as we told before, some gifts delivered and when we concentrated and silent mocked up the stuff, we all of the sudden heard a voice from somewhere.


From where?
Conventional parents would of course mention love and building of confidenece combined with strive and ambition....but besides that...we know for sure, that there is logical and natural explanation.

This is simply what happens when combining following:
  • 9 inch Currie super duper bullet proof rear end 3,00:1, True Trac, 35 splines rear axles etc,
  • Tremec T56 Magnum gearbox,
  • Volvo N3T 6 cyl engine with two big big big turbos.
  • A cool looking Chop Top Volvo Amazon Station Wagon
And Currie, we didn't say anything when we saw the drive shafts....we just looked at each other quietly. But in our minds there was one word building up... Bullet proof!

On top of the rear axle you see the ladder bar kit for the rear axle.

Mr Tremec 6 speed gear box capable of 1000 Nm, high rpm and speed.

One of the big turbos !! Capable of providing + 400 hp. Yeah your right! Two makes + 800 hp!

We know that we, as parents, providers of mechanical skill and ambition will have to continue to raise our baby.
It will need even more love, speed, torque and horsepowers.
But trust us. It's in good hands.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Dressed for Success ! New limited edition !!!!

Our first edition limited to only 100 T-shirts sold out in almost H&M manner, only a very few left in stock, now for reduced to a price of almost nothing (125 sek).

Now the 2nd edition, even better in quality and limited to only 100 is available for a price of only 150 SEK.

It has a graphic design made by an infamous underground artist soon to be more famous than early Andy Warhol, his last name is Börjesson, remember that name.

SSR is taking responsibility in the community and is supporting young artists according a not known 5 step model.

Hurry up to place you order. Be part in culture making and the building of a foundation for the future.

Those of you who join our Release, Spring and Speed Party can buy The Miracle at the event; the rest of you can just pass by the SSR WHQ when it's manned.

The print !

Håkan happy as always but now his dressed for success. Good looking clothes can do a lot for a rather old but still renaissance Man !

Håkan and Carina in the 2nd, better than ever edition, Kalle in the rather good, until now best ever 1th edition, Anders suffering in some other T-shirt, Anders and Kalle will asap purchase the new edition. At latest by payday this month.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Ho Ho Ho

As mentioned before, we've all had the experience. The waiting. The waiting for the good stuff. Which normally never happens.
But for us it did happen. Santa all of a sudden showed up. Well equipped with stuff. The good stuff. First we measured the transmission dimensions with proper gauges, then we danced around it in circles while we tried to figure out how the hell to assemble it to the engine's rear face of block...what bellhousing and clutch to use...etc.
We realized that those thoughts are meant for the hangover. Right now we just feel true happiness. 
But obviously we need to get it out of the coffin.
The rear-end gear seems to be ready for torque. A lot of torque. I repeat a lot of torque...and power. Did I say anything about power? And torque?

The biblical transmission dimensions gives us the confidence that we are on the road to....did I I did not.
But I guess you know the place.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Turbo Exhaust Manifold

Exhaust parts are here

We now have all the parts needed to start working on the Turbo Exhaust Manifold.

Here they are; the shiny stainless steel tube bends, the collector "flutes", the plasma cut flange that fits to the engine exhaust side, the turbo flanges and their gaskets: 

Step 1 - position the turbochargers

We have two turbos, each capable of ca 400 hp.  To install  them we need to consider that 2 x 400 hp equates quite a bit of air and even more of exhaust fumes per second.  And all of this air and exhaust will need to go through the turbos, either on the cold side or the hot side.  This translates to pipes, pipes, pipes and plumbing, plumbing plumbing. 

In the picture we see the two chargers hanging in the precision jig at their very exactly calculated position. The red and yellow caps are on air side. The yellow is input air and the red is compressed air out. The hot side is behind, and will have hot, high energy, exhaust coming in from the engine and it will output less hot and less energized exhaust to the rest of the exhaust system. The energy in between will propel the compressor at the air side. 

Time to figure out how the pipes should bend. Lacking sophisticated CAD software we fabricated a sophisticated wooden jig. With additional intricate lines on a paper we concluded where to cut the bends to meet up with both flanges and the collector flute in between. 

Next is welding it together. With in house extensive experience of MIG welding - in all sort of materials ranging from pure rust to under body bitumen, and the occasional mild steel -  I say,  this must be easy. Add to this that stainless steel tubes deserve welding not with MIG but with TIG.   And TIG is the pinnacle of all welding techniques.  Its supposed to give you so much control and feeling that failure is not possible.

But, lets first make some test:

Something was terribly wrong. None of the professional look I was there, especially on the inside...

After some Youtubing and Googling I realize that TIG welding stainless requires "purge gas" or "root gas" on the inside. This is because stainless contains chrome and chrome will combine with carbon dioxide in the air and form an ugly crust. 

But with an extra hose from the TIG gas tank and a plug on the pipe end the welds started to improve:

Now the inside looks a lot better:

Next is to measure more and cut up all the pipe bends and actually start welding the real thing.  More will come. 

Saturday, May 3, 2014

We are maybe not famous or good looking,

But now at least published in a magazine !

OK OK it's not Wallstreet Journal or Hot Rod Magazine, but still an article.

Länk to the one and only Dator magazine, the arena for Computers, and those connected.

Magnus and Anders are touched by the moment. OK we admit, we want fame and fortune even if we understand that it's not around the closest corner.

As said before, it's maybe not the biggest and most famous magazine on earth according to our references, but still important if you are into computers. At least in Sweden. Between the, how-to-work-smarter-in-the-cloud and your-aging-computer, there was a chronicle; a full page story about the SSR project and the team!

Even more touched! Notice Magnus skill to read upside down one of his many skills. Picture of the Chronicle with the face of the one and only SSR Amazon. They start by referring to some type of boys dream ??

Which we don't understand this is serious, and a reality.

Below yo can read the article (in swedish)

En salt pojkdröm 
I går var jag på en garagefest i ett
av Göteborgs slitna hamn- och
industriområden. Utanför den
stora garageporten stod en man
med hästsvans och värmde sig vid
de höga lågorna som kom ur ett
rostigt oljefat. Taxichauffören granskade
mina sedlar noga innan han gav tillbaka
min växel.
Inledningen kanske verkar inspirerad
av någon film. Och visst, det som jag ska
berätta är helt klart inspirerat av filmer
som varit populära bland unga grabbar.
Fast inte gangsterfilmer som ”Scarface”
eller ”Taxi Driver”. Snarare filmer som
”The World’s Fastest Indian”, ”Days of
Thunder” eller ”Gran Torino”.
Jag kanske även borde lista några filmer
om medelålderskriser och om att förverkliga
sina ungdomsdrömmar. För det är troligen
där du återfinner de färskaste rötterna
till festens syfte, att samla in pengar och
ragga sponsring till några polares
galna bilprojekt. De ska
bygga världens snabbaste Volvo
Amazon. Målet är att kunna
köra bilen i över 375 kilometer
i timmen (233 mph) genom en
Som med alla stora projekt
gäller det att börja i rätt ända. Det vill säga
med att designa en logotype och trycka
upp T-shirts. Nästa steg är att göra en Powerpoint
att visa för sponsorer. Vi som
var inbjudna drack pilsner och käkade
trendriktig mat i form av pulled pork. Det
kändes som att man kunde dela in festdeltagarna
i två läger. De som redan var
inblandade i projektet och de som var
mycket skeptiska och såg det som en galen
En fördel med att vara medelålders med
välavlönat jobb är att man inte behöver
fastna i det stora hindret för tonårsdrömmar,
”vi har ju ingen lokal”. Här var det
snarare så att de redan hade ett gemensamt
välutrustat garage där de skruvade
på sina bilar. Men en kväll efter några glas
gott vin slängde en av gubbarna ur sig:
”Det skulle vara kul att starta ett gemensamt
projekt istället för att bara skruva på
sin egen bil.” Efter lite spånande kläcktes
idén att ta sig an pojkdrömmen, att ställa
upp i ett klassiskt bilrace i Bonneville. De
formulerade ett mejl om att tävla med en
Amazon i Bonneville och mejlade alla de
kände. Efter två minuter svarade den första.
Han var på, och att han visste nog var
det fanns en Amazon.
Bonneville Salt Flats ligger i USA, på
gränsen mellan Utah och Nevada. Detta
är det klassiska stället för att sätta hastighetsrekord
för landburna fordon. Det är
hit som Burt Munro reser med sin motorcykel
i filmen ”The World’s Fastest Indian”
(svensk titel var ”Citronträd och motorolja”)
för att slå världsrekord. Här ordnas
årligen ett antal hastighetstävlingar och
de snabbaste fordonen är helt specialbyggda
och drivs av flygmotorer. Men det
finns även tävlingsklasser för ombyggda
Burt Munro blev utskrattad och hånad
av sina grannar. De flesta avfärdade honom
som en galen gammal gubbe. Hur
ska han kunna bygga världens snabbaste
Indian i sitt enkla garage? Han drabbades
av stora ekonomiska problem, men tack
vare stöd från de få som trodde på honom
klarade han sig gång på gång. Och mot alla
odds lyckades han slå hastighetsrekordet
på motorcykel i sin klass, ett världsrekord
som stod sig i många år. Och det bästa av
allt? Burt Munro har funnits på riktigt.
Nu är det här gänget i Salt Slush Racing
inga duvungar när det gäller bilar, och
gänget består inte bara av medelålders
gubbar, här finns tuffa bilmekande tanter
också. Flera av dem arbetar med motorutveckling
på Volvo. Dessutom har de var
och en för sig renoverat äldre bilar och
motorcyklar. Men att bygga om en gammal
rostig Amazon kombi till ett fartmonster
för att köra i en saltöken är något helt annat.
För att tala klarspråk, det är ett fullständigt
galet projekt. Ja, bara tanken att
köra en bil i nästan 400 knyck är nog helt
utanför de flestas vilda fantasier.
Det är lätt att skratta åt medelålders män
och deras krisprojekt på samma sätt som
vi skrattar åt tonårsband
som drömmer om att spela
på Friends Arena. Men jag
lyssnar hellre på denna typ
av vilda drömmar än på
återkommande fikarumssnack
om Postkodlotteriet
eller Lotto. Det är uppfriskande
att träffa passionerade människor.
Att umgås med ”galningarna” som inte
gett upp drömmarna andra dödade redan
som tonåringar, och som inte är rädda för
att misslyckas publikt. Om jag ska uttala
mig om chansen för Salt Slush Racing att
få upp sin Amazon i 375 kilometer i timmen
så är jag säker på att den är större än att du
ska vinna på Lotto. Undrar förresten om
de ska ha kvar originalbältena? Nej, det är
nog att utmana ödet. w
”Målet är att kunna köra bilen i över 375
kilometer i timmen genom en saltöken.”
Ulrik Södergren
Fotograf, utbildare, konsult
och tekniknörd.

Foto: Håkan Björnsson, Salt Slush Racing

Thursday, May 1, 2014


is a place with the most advanced assets

Long time member of the Garage and from the side following our build and journey to Bonneville is Tapio.

He has an asset he allows us to borrow when times now and then gets more uphill.

The röjsåg powered Margarita mixer !

In our business plan there is a step in the future when we shall move up to a blender of our own with higher performance and capacity. There are examples up to Top Fuel V8's even take a look at the net.