It all started with some relaxed outdoor activity we all felt pretty safe and enjoyed the warm almost late summer sun. The weather gave us the notion of you ain't seen nothing yet, it will get dark, cold, rainy, windy and even snowy.
As usually, we were surrounded with tri five Chevy's I mean after all, we're in Sweden.
Tri fives are usually on Thores side of the street. On the SSR side of the street it's usually full of Chevys from the 60- 80ths mixed up with some Volvos and hot rods.
After some home made hot rod Fika in the sun.
During fika plans are made You do that... can you check that....Fika is like a combination of Board meeting, Operational staff meeting and a Task force. You don't just talk about it, you make it happen. Meetings are held unplugged what you don't have in your head you don't know well enough.
We moved in to safe zone, Carina is here evaluating the seat now with comfort "skin" just recently skinned from the Summit Racing monster after some big game hunting with the Amex rifle.

Kirkby skin resting on Magnus Pick Up
When moving in to the safe zoon our brains gets overloaded with questions like
Will this work ?
Is it safe ?
Will this be strong enough ?
Will I get scared ?
Are you (or honestly am I) ready to cope with danger? Do you (I) feel safe?
The questions kept on running and rumble like freight train through our minds and will not stop before we al fal a sleep.
With Simpson on board and we do not talk about Homer, we do have the right stuff available.
Just this extremely racy and very cool quick release is in itself a reason to build a race car
Meanwhile testing and evaluating different solution to fixate the safety belt we all got this Movie running through our heads...Staring The Salt Slush Racing Team.
Dessert scenery, Mountains on the horizon, sunny hot 37 deg C (after a chilly morning), dry, dusty, no clouds, We arrived two days before to El Mirage, got everything in place, been preparing testing and evaluating before Race Day (First we have to run for the SCTA license).
Team is working hard with focus and determination with Nordic Swedish silence applied maybe with some short confirming words, all of us are more than Björn Borg Cool like Ice cubes, no emotions only motions ...
Everything is ready; water, ice, fuel, oil, batteries....engine, transmission, rear axle are running warm, all temps are perfect, all pressures are perfect...We are good to go.....
The whole race suit is on's hot, very hot... try to stay in the shadow.... line up in the que...waiting, waiting...helmet on....sun glasses on...gloves on..... now we are up and allowed to go, engine is started...The T6 engine talks to you strong and confident eager to get going......The Race Pack is talking to you, data driven precis information... buckle up.....some good luck words from the team ......close all doors and lids... check the steering wheel is it fixed.....You here a friendly but still demanding clap on the roof from the team...YES...YES... finally.
YES YES Focus Focus... Eye contact with the starter in its white overall, sun hat, ear phones....You ! Yes You ! got the sign from the starter and you are on.... accelerating....NOW MY FRIEND YOU GOT THE SALT FEVER.... REALlY REALlY BAD beyond and above what science can are lost...forever lost....
(With a soft dark voice typical discovery channel) below is stated
This is probably not the end of of this project it's not even the beginning of the end it's only the end of the beginning...aprox quote Winston C
And now some words from our sponsors.......Happy Music
Then the movie stops and you wake up in the reality, in the present,
in our SSR World head quarter Garage.... We have seen the light...
Well to get there we have to work hard and that is what we are doing.
Focused determination... OK we do it like that... next question...
Soon the safety belt is ready
The only glitch in what we do is the answer on a very basic question is it safe to drive in + 237 mph in an Volvo Amazon.......Since we have done all the work according to SCTA rule book and some Volvo basic common sense we say the answer is YES.
More to follow dealing with the elements Earth Wind and Fire.....